While I do complain a lot, more often that not I am right. Here is a list of things that annoy me and probably annoy you as well.
Women's basketball scores on ESPN's "Bottomline" - Countless minutes have been wasted as the bottomline informs that yes, the Indiana Fever defeated the Connecticut Sun 51 to 49 in a double overtime thriller. Beyond that I am also inundated with knowledge that Tamika Catchings grabbed 7 rebounds and had the game winning lay up. I'm sorry but the only network that has viewers who actually care about the WNBA is Bravo. I also petition ESPN to highlight college women's scores in pink. I recently found out that Bill Simmons stole this idea from me and I can only assume one of my traitorous friends leaked this fantastic idea.
Verification codes used by Ticketmaster and other websites to prevent use of automated programs - These codes are fine in their conception but more often than not I can't even tell if the image is showing a I, l, or 1. And don't even get me started with 0, O, and D. Is it really that hard to have a picture of something that a normal person can read?
Plastic Packaging - is there anything more frustrating than having to use a hacksaw to cut your way through multiple layers of plastic to just get one measly cell phone battery? I'm not one to get a boner for protecting the environment but this can't be a very environment friendly way of protecting items.
Celebrities who use their influence to try to inform/sway people - It really is hilarious when George Clooney lectures about how he is personally trying to save the environment by driving an electric car. Last year alone he flew more than 10,000 miles on private jets thus creating a carbon footprint 20 times more than the average American, and that isn't even counting other aspects of his life. Clooney is not alone, other douche bags like Tim Robbins and Curt Schilling try and pontificate their righteous views onto us. These fellows watch a couple of segments on CNN or Fox News and low and behold they are noble laureates on the subject. Please, for society's sake, just continue to pretend to be someone else (acting) or throw your baseball.
Sand - Could there be a bigger tormentor of the human body? Also it allows all kinds of pesky creatures to burrow up and make a home. Not to mention it searches out every crevasse of your body. Honestly, it is only good for damning rivers and sand volleyball.
8 teams winning a state title for high school football in the state of Illinois last year - This extends to all sports in Illinois, but especially football. In my world there would be one division for every sport. Why should smaller schools be catered to? Is this AYSO where everyone is a winner? Besides, with multiple divisions stories like "Hoosiers" can never happen. There no longer is the underdog but instead more confusion and debate. For the last ten years or so the Joliet Catholics and Sacred Heart Griffins of the world have won state championships right along side the Napervilles and Lockports. But who is the better team? Nobody knows yet each of them claims to be THE state champion.
Be Unique. Be Greek - I'm sorry but this slogan is simply hysterical. Let me first say I have no problem with people in frats, sorry fraternities, or sororities it just isn't for me. But ask anyone on a campus and they can usually describe someone from a frat with a few adjectives. While not everyone fits his or hers supposed profile, it is generally true. Honestly, what is unique about wearing the same t-shirt, short shorts, purse, and scrunchy a hundred other girls are wearing? In my world that's a uniform, which if found in a dictionary doesn't have the word unique associated with it.
I'm sure there are others that I can't think of now but more importantly, what bothers you?
Also a few videos I find amusing -
"Warren Wallace"
"Thriller Part Deux"
"Kip Hill"
"South Carolina's Education System in Action"
I just found this and almost fell on the floor laughing so hard -
Background information on Travis Henry for those who don't get it - Travis Henry has nine bastard children and is being sued for child support from his latest baby's momma.
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
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