Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Me and Tecate Down By My Coffee Table

Alright so it is Wednesday night, I have no homework due the rest of the week, a bottle of pinot noir, 6 Tecate lights, and a sweet ass Paul Simon concert (in HD). So my question is this: am I a loser for sitting here in my underwear, getting drunk and rocking out to Paul Simon?

Obviously I don't think so but at the same time I know some of you miscreants out there probably thinks so. First if you must criticize me I recommend trying it once. Seriously, get back from work or school, go to your room, open a case of Miller or Bud or whatever and pop in a Nine Inch Nails, Grateful Dead, or Dave Matthews Band concert and just sit back and relax. I'm serious, just give it a chance. This is also a great remedy for our constant war of attrition with boredom. Anyways about 3 or 4 beers into this great activity you really begin to get into it. You aren't there but in a way you are. I just close my eyes and there I am, circa 1983, Paul comes on to the stage and bam! Call me Al.

The other advantage to a concert over a television show or movie is that you don't need to pay attention to what is going on and you can casually absorb it. Seriously what an awesome time especially when all your friends ditch you with home work or night shifts (gay ass Gene). Also I can not say enough about the majesty of HD. I hope that a one Mike Morgan can finally admit that rather than making every channel worse HD is truly badass. Seriously one of the greatest investments I made was my HD TV. Sweet Ass.

This paragraph goes out to Paul Simon. I sit here and listen to song after awesome song written by you. Seriously, you are the man. Unlike some artists that had bursts of greatness (Paul McCartney) you have been writing awesome music for 40 years now. Also all you asswipes who say that Paul McCartney's new song is sweet are either brain dead or subscribe to the Church of Sir Paul. Anyways, Paul Simon also has a very diverse offering and wide range of themes and song topics. Go download or buy his anthology and name me one song that is just ok. I only hope he goes on tour again and gives people like me one chance to see his greatness in person.

Anyways let me know if you think I am a loser. I won't care either way because I have nothing better to do. In the words of Paul Simon -

"This is the long distance call,
The way the camera follows us in slo-mo
The way we look to us all,
The way we look to a distant constellation
That's dying in a corner of the sky"


Anonymous said...

you are ridiculous.

Anonymous said...

Mark this day in the history books, Tom; I agree with you. Many is the night I have retired to the sofa to treat myself to a solitary night of electronic entertainment. I reserve a great fondness for these enchanted evenings, gaping with child-like wonder at the digital opus unfolding before me, savoring the reassuring hum of my beloved xbox and shielded from the judgmental eyes of those who would dismiss this beautiful and cathartic experience as the pitiful refuge of the lonely.

Truly, I pity them. They hurl their stern rebukes reflexively. "Normal people don't spend so much time alone" they are taught. "How sad to retreat from the company of others" they think to themselves. In fact they have been conditioned to respond in this way. Their criticisms are not grounded in concern or malice or even insecurity; so deeply rooted is their fear of solitude that they cannot help but acquiesce to its demands. They shall never know the ecstasy of independence.

If such a thing as heaven exists, I would venture to define it thusly: a copy of Gears of War, a big screen HDTV, a 12-pack of Dos Equis and an empty apartment. I have no doubt my solitary brethren would agree.

Oh, but Paul Simon blows ass. He's just some no-talent hack who for some reason gives Tom a massive throbbing boner.

Unknown said...

What made you think of a NIN nails concert? Seriously.

goulet said...

pay your f'ing rent, Darsh!